A set of unique natural attractions in southern Brazil, with great potential for the development of nature-based tourism.
The Babitonga Ecosystem brings together a set of unique natural attractions in southern Brazil, with great potential for the development of nature-based tourism. All the ecosystems of the Atlantic Forest Biome are gathered here: restingas, mangroves and the dense rainforest, with its various formations. Archipelagos are distributed along the Atlantic coast, where seabirds breed and a diverse aquatic fauna takes refuge, guaranteeing a colorful dive. In winter, the beaches can also be visited by giants: the whales. Babitonga Bay is home to the last large patch of mangroves in the Southern Hemisphere and is a nursery for marine life, with a trophic productivity so great that it supports hundreds of species. Among them, it is worth mentioning some animals that grace us with their presence, such as the guará (Eudocimus ruber), the franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) and the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis s). In addition, more than 80 species of birds associated with the marine environment of the region have already been sighted in the region.