

This is a space where we share materials produced by the Caminhos do Mar Project with the local community.

Embarked Nature-Based Tourism Protocols
Here are the general guidelines of conduct for the observation of fauna, especially in the case of vessels. These protocols are based on various information, including the carrying capacity study conducted by the project’s team for some of the mapped attractions.
Itineraries and Tips for ENBT in the Babitonga Ecosystem
The project developed five itineraries to experience the Babitonga Ecosystem, with a great diversity of attractions. Come and see.
Guide with Innovative Approaches to ENBT
To make the visitors’ experience even more special, we plan activities to be developed during the proposed itineraries.
Illustrated Booklet
In this document you can find a summary of the information provided in the documents produced by the project, in a simple and practical way.
Brazilian Legislation
Know the Brazilian legislation related to the subject.